The guy Eric was tracking then just moved across the country. His streaming data went up now too, and the days connected were even greater. Everything nearly 100% increase. What the fuck he thought to himself, what made him switch. He was writing a report all morning. In it he concluded targeted ads about sunscreen maybe pushed him to warmer climate.
Cal all the while was nursing a latte from the
coffee machine. It was cold by now. Cal had a rule that he would wait until the coffee was cold before he drank it. He read somewhere awhile ago that hot drinks cause cancer. So he gave that up. Cal was worried about that. Coffee drinkers have less cancer though he thought. Drinking his latte, he thought thats good.
Marianna stayed past the date everyone thought she would leave. She stayed past at this point almost a week. No one had asked her why, a few people just assumed they messed up the dates, but after checking it was true, she had stayed over a week. Typically they didn't just do week extensions so she had to be here for more, much more time. Cal thought about this too, but he also had work to do.