Strange Timing

as reply to worse

John the barista started it all with a sign. It was a vote, you took a piece of paper and dropped it into a bowl if you thought the coffee tasted bad. There was one bowl for bad, and one bowl for good. It was an old barista trick, usually reserved for a tip jar, competing which super hero movie was better. But this case it was the first step of a revolution. Little paper balls, and sometimes drink tokens started pilling up in the bad jar, although there was four or five votes to the good one. 

John, Cal and Keith met everyday. John originally just coming by here and there to the table Keith and Cal sat at. But then he began actually sitting down. They discussed all things. But mostly it was John's anger. The most basic belief a barista holds is that everyone should have access to nice coffee. No one should be re-beaned. 

Keith mostly just wanted the coffee to taste good again. Cal maybe waned time off work. Out of the three is the most internally concerned. Why now? Why change this, just seemed weird to him. When Cal was younger he wouldn't walk under ladders, nor continue walking if a black cat crossed his path. In the car him and his brother would lift their legs up and hold their breath near cemeteries. Not that he was superstitious, just he wasn't risking anything. He just felt that it was strange timing. 

You good? Keith asked him?

Yeah man, just a bit hungry. 

Votes in guys, John said. Almost everyone thinks the coffee is bad.
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