The HR guy had decided to re-bean the employee cafe. The decision was made after running the numbers. Seeing what the balance sheet would look like if Cal was to get on disability as well. The two of them. Cal and his friend Keith could begin causing a lot of trouble. What if others began asking for disability. What if the entirety of
went on strike?
The HR guy had to prepare. Step one was rebeaning. They had been spending absurd amounts on
beans before. Some deal the previous HR head had struck up. They were local beans apparently. Locally roasted at least. But could anything be considered local when you were up in space? They must've been local to wherever the previous HR person lived down on earth.
The new HR guy instead looked for the cheapest coffee beans available for delivery. Spacecity had slim pickings. Not much was available up here.
The cost saving measure was backfiring. People were upset. Some were beginning to focus on forming a union to get their beans back rather than working. This was worse than people going on disability
If human race manages to establish space colonies it will certainly have the synthetic version of all the available foods today. I don't know why but eating food that is enjoyable, good looking, fresh makes sense only while on planet earth. A salad is somewhat antagonist to life in a space station