Pizza and Pasta

as reply to Pizza City

Peter's dad didn't make his money in pizza. It was still food, but not like his grandfather. A more high brow establishment. Pasta, and not like just American pastas but the authentic Italian style pastas. Peter's  dad thought he knew better than his grandfather, and also felt more Italian at the same time. He learned how to make by hand pasta, different shapes and sauces. 

People came from all over. It was still a family restaurant, but a little better. 

Or he thought, Peter's grandfather didn't like it. Said it was too complicated, people just want pizza. Peters's dad would argue back, no people want something new, hand made pasta. They would go back and forth. Both places did well just different ways. They expanded, and gloated the opening of the new store. They were proud, and convinced the other was stupid. 

When Peter was born and after he was able to work he worked in both. Both his grandpa pulling him one way, and his dad the other. 
Replies to Pizza and Pasta
Here's a secret about me. I love pizza with truffles and pasta with truffles. I could eat both in one mean, and here's another business secret that you can take and run with it.
1) Open your restaurant on a busy street.
2) Add pizza with truffles on the menu
3) Hire a pretty girl to stay in front of the shop and serve truffle pizza samples along with other sortiments of pizza to passer-by ppl
2023-04-27 17:57:52
I've seen this on rue Montorgueil in Paris 
2023-04-27 17:59:01