Now he thought stirring the rice into the stock mushroom stock. I can be whoever I want to be. He was released from who he was. Mari didn't really know. I mean she knew him, and knew he went away, but now he was back he could just be himself. Although, the rice sputtered and popped prompting him to turn down the heat and add some more stock, he didn't really know what to do next. He liked running things, and being on the top. Now he couldn't just knit everyday. The water stopped boiling so he turned back up the heat, and stirred the rice. He also thought about the Blue Man, and Denver what happened to them in the blast probably wasn't good. He shouldn't get to live a life if they paid for it. The rice again popped sticking to the bottom, he lifted the pan off the burner and quickly stirred the rice, turning down the heat. He added more stock. His mind telling him he should've died, and another part telling him he's lucky to have left all that. He was relieved to see Mari again, relieved to see an old face. Imaging how it used to be. The rice fizzled the temperature lower again. Fuck. Okay got to focus.
Got to Focus
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