The Train

as reply to cheap houses

Max went outside. Taking out his one-hitter he packed a hit. A big one, perfectly filled with the weed he ground this morning in his car on arrival to work. Fresh he thought. He sighed, and sat down on the ledge under the light, he flicked his lighter a few times, putting the piece to his mouth. 

But something stopped him. For some reason he just didn’t feel like it. Like eating the same sandwich everyday, it felt over. He saw his life from far away. The arc the direction. 

Fuck, he thought. He flicked the lighter a few times his hand by his hips. He felt like he was standing at a train station. And there were two trains going in different directions. He had 10 minutes for either or he had to wait for another. He just didn’t know whether another would come. Maybe he’d be stuck here he thought exactly like he was. 

He looked from side to side. Like if the trains were real. He looked at his phone. 7 minutes now he felt no pull in either direction. Just that standing in this parking lot he felt like he had to choose. But he didn’t even know what that choice would be. He flicked the lighter a few more times. 3 minutes. 

What the fuck is this shit man. What’s going on. He looked to the left and right again. 

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