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When Love woke up he checked his calendar he felt like he had been gone for months. Like a person in a coma he was confused. Why was he here? In this place alone, when he had the church a sanctuary separate from reality. He moved the papers on the desk, some probably left by an old lodger some left by the cleaners. Based on the heavily used ash tray his room was not left vacant. 

From the pile a letter poked out. On it just said Blue. 

He was shocked at first and then curiosity took over. 

It looked like Denver's handwriting. 

" If your reading this then its happened. Im dead. Im writing you this in the back of the car. Speeding towards the place where the man in the nice suit so desperately wanted to get to. Throughout all this, I just wanted to say thank you, thank you Blue. 

SIncerely Yours forever,


Love was lost. He didn't remember having this or leaving this. He looked around the room. Checking for bugs or wire, or anything electronic. He was scared. 

How the fuck did that get there? He flipped the bed, he looked through the other papers, and he drew the blinds. His heart was racing.
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