The clouds moved across the sky low enough to the earth that a city slicker would think it might rain. But a farmer would know better. too high up for rain.
Terry had come from a family of
. They never pushed him one way or the other. Terry was free to do whatever he wanted. Turned out what he wanted was to be a city slicker professional hot shot. But here he was now. Wasting time to rebel against his firm.
Some days Terry wished his family would've idealized the farm life. Then he could've either rebelled against it and went to the city, or could've embraced it and got deep into the dirt. If his family had pushed him one way or another, Terry would've at least had something to respond to.
Would have something to blame for where he ended up now. He had nobody else to blame but himself. Maybe society? But he found the people who blamed
for everything annoying. He didn't want to be like them. So instead he blamed himself, a trait he also found annoying in other people.
Terry closed the eyes and imagined being on a farm right now. Of course it would be after he had put in a day's work. So he would be swinging in a chair. Enjoying a cup of sweet tea or something.
Soon he'd have to go into the office. Soon he'd have to open his eyes. He should call his mom soon he thought. It had been awhile since they spoke.
When he opened his eyes he saw a girl. A different girl than the one who had tossed the coffee cup. She looked as though she would walk by without looking at Terry. Then at the final moment she turned and stared into him.
He felt seen. Not visually. But seen like someone knew everything he had felt, thought, and was going through. It was her. The girl. Her eyes let him know that it was okay. Then she walked off.
Terry suddenly felt inspired to return to the office. He skipped there.
When he came through the door his boss looked surprise. "Terry, you're back earlier than usual today. Can you come into my office?"
"Sure thing!"
In the office the boss motioned with his hands for Terry to sit.
"Look, Terry."
The boss's face grew into further confusion. Furled his brow.
"Terry. Are you alright?"
"Never been better. How are you?"
"Me? Fine. You're acting strange today. You're not usually this cheerful."
"You're right. I haven't been myself lately. Haven't been myself in a long time."
"Well alright. I just wanted to tell you... Well frankly, I was actually about to fire you. But now that you're acting like this, I feel like I don't need to."
"Ha that would've been a good one yeah?"
"Yeah. Sure."
Terry smiled, got up and left the office. The boss' lackey came in right after. "So did you fire him?"
"I'm not so sure."
"Well he left the office anyhow."
"Where the hell is he going?"
"Beats me."
The boss sighed. Stood up and went out to loudly ask nobody in particular, "where the hell did Terry go?"
Terry was speed walking. He passed his car. He was going to spend his days the way he truly wanted. No more compromises. He sped past his car and found a cafe. There he saw two young people having a conversation. Laughing. He approached them as they giggled into the air. Grabbed one of their cups and then threw the hot coffee into the girl's face.
She screamed. The guy got up saying, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"
Terry used the empty ceramic mug in his hand to bash the guy's forehead. He struck him a few more times using that mug until it cracked and shattered. Blood covered his hands and the shards of the white ceramic.
People were gasping. Nobody intervened. Someone was taking video on their phone.
Terry walked over to the girl. Put his hands around her neck and wrung. The people continued to gasp and watch. Someone yelled for police, but there were no officers around.
"Somebody do something!" another yelled. But nobody did anything. More people began filming.
"This is what you all wanted right? Some entertainment?" Terry yelled into the air, laughing. "I'm just like him!"
People whispered at each other. Who exactly was 'him'? they wondered. Terry answered.