Keith didn't mind the change. The change he'd just learned about from Ezekiel was beginning to sound even more optimal as he thought of it more.
He preferred doing the most difficult in the morning anyhow. From his observations, Group A did jack all in the afternoons so long as they got their phase of the work completed by 11 AM.
Being in Group B didn't fit Keith's rhythm. That was a fact so obvious now that this new world had opened up to him. Before he'd never considered it. Now walking down
Baker Ave.
after having drunk two
s, the new world excited him. He looked forward to it.
Most people would not like this change. There was indeed more pressure on Group A. If you were in Group B or Group C, you could get away with a bit more slack. Could have the freedom to stay out later, drinking more. Come in half dazed,
, and not have any real work for hours. You could close your eyes, but on some ambient sounds in your earbuds, zone out and recover from the previous night.
Keith never had to recover. Drinking wasn't his thing. Neither was staying up late watching meaningless
. He went to bed early. Woke early. Ate a hearty breakfast. And came into work prepared to do something. He couldn't say he was passionate about his work. More rather that he felt healthy and vivacious. Desired to put his head and hands to work rather than sit around milking the clock.
Maybe it was his time in
. Either he had never noticed how lazy people were prior to his time "up there" or people down here had changed. Nobody wanted to work these days. Scratch that. Most people didn't want to work. Those who did never knew when to stop. It was like there was no balance anymore.
Back at the lab he automatically arrived at a door that read "Group B". Interesting since all he was thinking about was his new schedule.