Keith didn't know all this. In his meeting he was told, because he'd been in both A and B he'd be working a bit more. Help with a transition, some training they needed to do. As group A was doing so well they'd be changing their work adding more. Keith would get a slight raise, but that's all that was said.
"You wouldn't mind that would you? A little more
?" Charles said smiling confidently.
"No I mean that's great!" Keith said, and he thought about all that he could be doing, his life wouldn't change much, but sure he'd be a bit happier. He could maybe change apartments closer to the cafe.
"Great, great, your right everything will be great."
This sentence caught Keith's attention, he said it so many times, it was like he was convincing himself.
"Well thats all I wanted to tell you Keith."
"Okay, well thanks for the good news!"
Keith shut the door. The feeling of the raise was replaced with something else. Something else, something didn't feel right about this.
As he was walking out, Ezekiel was walking in.
"Keith, hows it going? Don't forget to show me that report."
"Yes, I think thats on the agenda for the weekly meeting tomorrow. "