changes salary

as reply to He Thought

Ezekiel was livid.

"You're telling me... just as we've gotten things down to a reliable science.... you are looking to change the whole process!?"

Charles kept his stare. Had to. If he were to look away while Ezekiel glared at him, then it would show weakness. Ezekiel might sabotage him then. It was important that his direct report feared him just a little. Enough that he would keep everybody under him in order.

Otherwise the new process wouldn't work at all.

"You know that we're going through a tough time. Money-wise. Your team has been performing excellent. It's just that our organization as a whole needs to cut down."

Ezekiel wanted to spit in his face. Ask him about how much Charles' 
had increased in the past year. But held his tongue. Ezekiel needed to keep his cool. He could find another job elsewhere. Employment wasn't an issue. What he couldn't give up was this experiment. Already five years he'd put into it. Was just starting to yield some promise. He couldn't give that up for some other bozo to take all the credit.

"Okay Charles." Ezekiel finally broke his stare. Charles looked at the side of his face a bit longer before looking off into the corner of the room. Both men sighed.

"I'll tell them that Group B is no longer needed."

Ezekiel looked back at Charles. The perfectly shaped, bald skull nodded.
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