
as reply to but septupled

Jared didn’t know if it could continue like this. Every date they went on every dinner they ate together ended with one of them saying “their” joke. Quadruple, triple, quintuple, or any derivative. It was driving him crazy. 

When his now wife heard it mentioned at the store she would tell him about it. 

They said “Can you make that a double, just like when we first met.” And then she’d smile like he would love it as much as she would. 

It had been years. He’ll admit to his therapist that it once brought him joy. 

Now it caused him pain, and he passed this down to his kids. None of them were allowed to play baseball or even watch it. Tennis was out of the question.

This extended to child care where he’d have to stay home just to keep them away from all the potential doubles and triples out there. They weren’t allowed to play together in case a neighbor might udder double trouble. 

But it still snuck in ads on the radio or the tv. 

He couldn’t escape. 

He thought about leaving. Moving far away. He started watching the old videos he liked. The Blue Man.
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