When they first got back to
it was nice to be together. There was a special bond, then too Cal seemed to know what to do. Had to get a place to live, he knew how to cook, so they saved money on food. Cal also knew how to cook, he'd get books, and make things Marianna had never had, so she was always surprised, always cared for.
They didn't really talk about whether they were dating. They just started seeing each other all the time, then living together it made more sense with money, then they started sleeping together. But they never talked about it, it just was what they did.
Now it had been two years, and Cal had changed. He always cooked the same things, burgers, cheese burgers, and some days they had a salad too, but plain only ice burg lettuce, he used to make flavored sauces, but now just ranch.
The drinking started a little while ago, too, and went with sleeping together, Cal snored more after drinking.
It wasn't all at once, but somewhere some sort of plug had been pulled, and the water of their world leaked out.
They just didn't want to deal with it. Marianna didn't want to deal with it.