The Call

as reply to breaths

When Elena woke up, she hope it was all a dream. 

She checked her drawer. There she found again Marc's phone powered off. 

She turned it on, and checked the messages, nothing new, then the calls, there she saw it the call. 

She turned the phone off, confused on what to do. She started getting ready, her usual routine, but stopped in the middle. What if Marc was a drug dealer of something, or in debt. Maybe. The call was too foreboding, no friend would do that. Maybe instead it was Marc playing a joke on her, she felt her shoulders relax. Okay, okay. She continued her steps, a shower, then the blow dryer, then finally breakfast before the walk. 

During breakfast she always tried to listen to a podcast, made the morning fun as she had what her roommate called "boring oats" she now called them "learning oats". 

Her leg was jumping up and down, she couldn't stop thinking about that breathe about the call. 
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