Call you Back

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Kevin laid sprawled out on the stairs. His gun was in his pants, he didn't have time to reach for it. He felt cold, didn't really think this would be how he went. 

Just walking up the stairs to return a gun. 

He felt safe when he had it. Bought it with his friends a long time ago, never used it then, but then they drifted apart. 

Some time later he saw a bar fight, and tried to break it up. He was pushed aside. 

From then on he decided to carry it when he wasn't at work. Its not like anyone would know, then if anything did happen he could stop it. 

He chuckled, and pain went through his whole body. 

He felt like he might fall asleep now he wasn't sure. 

He wasn't sure about anything. 

The mans voice seemed familiar, but who knows he works at a super market all day everyday he hear's peoples voices. 

He coughed.

He hoped Elena got away. 

He wished he knew that this was coming. That he'd been warned. Then he would have had more coffee he thought, he wished more than anything he was warm. 

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Oh shit, I think thats blood, Becky, Oh my god. Shit. Fuck I gotta call you back."
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