She asked

as reply to stopping by the cafe before going to the parents'

"Haven't seen you here in awhile. Hold on a second, Im trying to do something. If you just want coffee theres some cups there, just leave a dollar or whatever."

"Hows it going?"

"I'm trying to." She was behind her espresso machine, and some lighting. "Set up a live feed, you know get some more people in."

He looked around the place, it was empty, although it was a weird time.

"You don't need that do you?"

"I don't know, I'll figure it out later. Uh, yeah what do you want?"

"I think for me just a cortado, and one of those scones.uh... blueberry."

"So hows your mom?" The whir of the grinder drowned out his voice. 

"Their fine, she's good."

"Your's? She's good, crazy as ever. She quit her job as a paramedic, now she's open up her own paint business."

"Jeezz, but doesn't surprise me."

There was a lull as she steamed the milk. He could he espresso machine clunk off, and she poured milk into the cup making a small leaf pattern.

"How's Aaron?" She asked. 
Replies to She asked