
as reply to who was that?

Alan wanted to ask Imogen if the offer still stands. Could he just work at the cafe? He imagined himself with only tracks in life, if he stayed here, that was it. He would never leave, he'd never make it like Aaron, he'd just have a few kids and his body would be buried across the street from that pizza restaurant Gina's. 

Or he'd leave, tonight he thought, make it easier on everyone, like a bandaid. Then his life would be something, he go somewhere, meet the right people and start everything he wanted to. Maybe he'd write a book or something big.

He was in the car stopped at a light, there was no one there, for miles he thought, although it was dark he couldn't see any of lights. He inched forward, this light always took too long, and he felt like this would give him a sign. He edged forward a little, already a quarter into the intersection he saw no one. No one behind him no one anywhere. He felt for some reason a force pushing him, just do it. 

He made a final check and accelerated crossing through the intersection that probably would have taken just thirty seconds more. He felt alive he felt for some reason free, like his life was his own, and he didn't have to do what he should. 

He drove down the road and all could he think about was Imogen.

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