Up to Here

as reply to an old man looking out to the sea

Matthew was alerting everyone to be on guard. The looked at all the footage of the front door and the back. No suspicious movements. No suspicious people, but he was still worried what if the decked out black vehicles were back for the purse. He checked through the guest book the of the day, and the day of the incident. No similarities. 

"You don't think that guy is just visiting?"

"Why would he do that?"

Matt was still on guard. He felt like at any minute he could burst through that door. 

"What name is he under?"

"Just Dave? Who is this guy?"

In the back ground their commercial played to an empty bar. 

"The Seaside rest, the place that knows you best."

"The Seaside rest, the place that you can rest."

"The Seasid.." Then the power cut. 

"I need to think, I can't stand that song."

Matt was out back now, smoking a cigarette something he hadn't done in ages.

"What should we do?"

"What can we do? He might be packing, plus, how do we know if thats the guy."

They looked at each other.

"Maybe we should do some reconnaissance. Figure out what he's up to here."
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