She was excited. She put on make-up and her perfume, and a everything all for the flight. Although she knew Keith didn't care, they traveled all around sleeping in a van somehow it felt different. Like when she was kid and her parents let her stay up late and watch movies. There was something real about it, like she had to do this. The lipgloss and eye liner, this meant it was real.
It was a thing she thought. As she looked at herself in the mirror. Minor cracks that were 5 years ago seems like crators and wrinkles now. But looking at them also felt different with Keith in the picture. Like they were alright still, or it didn't matter they were there.
She had to be at the airport in like two hours or something. She could eat and then go, catching a late flight to get out west even later, but Keith didn't care.
"You've got everything you need? Passport?"
"Was thinking we could swing by the
before, you know something quick easy."
"Yeah sure good idea."
She had packed her bag before, just slipped her book in her small bag.