She drove everywhere back then. Taking people after school, and before. She even had a paper route, but she never delivered pizzas. Even though it would have made sense.
Maybe that was what her brain was trying to tell her. Everything pointed here, why didn't you listen? Why didn't you do this.
In the dream she had a route which was weird like delivery papers, she got 50 pizzas up front and then just had to deliver them.
The first house she just sat it on the porch. The person waved at her as she drove away.
The pizza's smelled nice, like they were all the same.
The second person was someone like her old friend but she was crying. She took her pizza, and went inside, like she understood Imogen had a job to do.
She kept driving. There was something calm about it, something anxious too.
She delivered the third to her uncles old house, and the fourth to a teachers.
She felt anxious so many left to do so little time.