The reward for doing a good job is more work

Without question, this is a truism in my world. It is a blessing or a course depending on your circumstances. If you're self-employed, good work gets you more business. If you work for a company, you are employed regardless (unless you get fired), so good work just gets you more work on your plate.

Season 9, Episode 16 of Seinfeld called The Burning involves the storyline of Kramer and his friend Mickey getting paid to act out illnesses so that medical students can practice diagnosing them. Seinfeld tells Kramer he needs to have showmanship, and Kramer delivers a rousing performance of someone with gonorrhea. In the next session, he pulls gonorrhea again and is worried that he'll be typecast. The head of the class tells him they just loved what he did with it.

I recently wrote about my experience creating a job aid as a result of a request from external auditors for a client. Well, apparently they liked what I did with it so much that now they are requesting the same type of write-up for a more complicated payment methodology. At least there is a web-based pricer that makes it easier to calculate the payments. 

I'll be glad when this audit is over, and I can return to my own tasks.

See - I told you that writeup was fantastic. Makes sense that people want something similar again so soon. In general, it is good to be in demand for quality work. The difficult part is when you have to juggle it with you own tasks. 
2021-04-21 22:40:38
I love that episode.

Why is it that companies can make you do more things without allowing your to reduce your list of 'tasks'?
2021-04-22 02:03:52
 That's a post all to itself. Let's just say my eyes were opened when I got into management.
2021-04-22 13:35:13