Hours Imogen Howe

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Jack stayed in the room every morning. Liked to just lay there, waiting for 
Imogen Howe
to get bored enough and go away. He didn't care where. Just liked that feeling of being alone. Didn't have to pretend to anyone.

After he was alone he'd get ready take a shower, then brush his teeth. He liked to sit on the edge of the bed with the window open. Imogen didn't like the window being open. Too many bugs. But he liked how the sea breeze washed over him and how the air smelled. It was his favorite smell. When he was younger he tried to capture this smell and bring it with him. His parent's first took him here when he was like 11. Now look at him. 

He'd close the window and go down the front desk. He nodded at the door man, then walked out the door. 

The pier wasn't so far. Imogen always made it seem like she walked a lot to get there, and back. She was gone for a long time. He timed it and it was only like 10 min. When he wasn't walking hard, but normal. Probably 8 if he was really walking hard. 

This was only like 20 minutes, but she'd be gone for hours.
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