Where do we go?

as reply to Blayne and the new kid

"First you calling now you playing hard to get what the fuck are you on?"

"Um, this is the Seaside rest." Was all kid could say. 

"Seaside rest? Fuck the seaside and your rest. We got him, if you want him come get him."

"Um, excuse me?"

"Man, what the fuck is with this guy. Man, you've been calling us. Thats the problem. We got your friend. Bring us the money and well release him."

The kid looked at the old guy and handed him the phone.

"Hello anybody home? I said we got your friend bring us the money and we won't kill him."

"Um hello this is Blaybe Metzo the day manager of the seaside rest. Whats all this?"

"We already said Fuck your seaside and your rest. We got your friend, bring us the money, and he'll be good. No cops."

Then the line disconnected. 

They looked at each other. Another time, he would just leave it alone, probably some prank callers but this time he knew something was up. 

Blayne needed more than ever a cigarette, he felt the pack in his pants, and just walked away leaving the kid in the room. 

"We got to call the cops." He said walking away.

"He said no cops." The kid said, shutting the door behind him.

"But we have to tell them, we've got nothing. "

"I think we just gotta do what they say."

"But where do we go?"

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