Blayne and the new kid

as reply to It was Cold

Blayne asked the new kid to tell him again.

"The room. Empty. Well except for a coffee cup on the window sill--"

"They just... left?"

The kid didn't know how to respond to that. The answer was yes, but he thought the old man might have a heart attack or just faint.

Luckily he didn't need to say anything. The old man turned around and sighed. Staring out into the sea he said, "these things happen, but we'll be okay."

Okay? the kid thought. Why did Blayne say that. Of course they would be okay right? Now he was freaking out. Was this motel so financially strained that a single incident like this could ruin them? He needed this job bad. Had ran away from his parents house in Conneticut to come all the way out here.

Suddenly the phone rang. It came out of nowhere. Scared the both of them. Three rings the two of them stared at each other, neither thinking to do the obvious: answer the phone.

By the fourth ring the kid came to, "I'll get it."


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