My Help

as reply to who was this guy?

21 Savage sat bolt upright when he heard the knock on the door. 

He gave a look to his crew to strap up. They grabbed their guns, and went toward the door. 

Another knock and then the door bell. 

Then the door bell again. 

He didn't stand directly behind the door sort of off to the side. 

"Okay Im coming in, and then a jangle of keys."

They stood back ready to shoot. 

"Hello miss Jackie! Its me Tina, time for the cleaning!"

Something about her, they couldn't shoot, instead they hid their weapons. 

She opened the door all the way and smiled.

"Hello boys, didn't expect Jackie to have company, she never has company."

"Hello oh yes Tina, she said you were coming." 21 Savage changed his voice spoke in a British accent.

"She didn't tell me nothing." And with that she winked at 21. 

The other guys nodded to her.

"She said to tell you she'd be back later. This room only today."

"This room only? But usually I do the laundry. The dishes. Everything."

"Oh well we can do that, I mean just take a rest, she'll pay you in full she said.

21 Savage took her too the only room where someone wasn't tied up. 

"Maybe this room too."

"Okay, but Im gunna have a word with Jackie, she should tell me if she doesn't need my help."
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