who was this guy?

as reply to Died Down

Danny had just opened a new beer when the knocks came. He took a sip. Wiped his mouth. Thought about answering the door. No new knocks. Took another sip. Considered not answering the door at all. He was having a bad day. Many phone calls. He didn't know from who and didn't care. He had gotten so angry that he had even shot the phone.

Three more knocks rammed against the door. Danny shook his head and took another sip.

At the otherside of the door was a nervous looking kid. Younger. Unexepected actually.

"Hi uh I'm looking for a Danny."

"Who are you?"

"I'm a--"

"Is that Blayne's truck?" Danny pointed behind the kid.

"uhh yeah. He told me to drive it."

"What the fuck you two want?"

The kid tried explaining the situation. Found it a bit hard. He'd never hdad to explain a hostage negotiation before. Danny listened intently. Never asking more than one short question at a time. Sipping his beer.

"And so yeah that's pretty much it. But Blayne made it sound like it was important that you knew."

Danny gave no explanation. Only a look striaght into the kid's eyes that meant to say 'you should already know why that is'.

The kid had no idea though. who the fuck was this guy he wondered. 
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