Teaching Him

as reply to never came back after

The kid was there just for college. If he was honest with himself just for gas money to be able to drive to see his girlfriend. His dad knew the manager and he needed something to do. His dad was old school he liked people to work hard. So he pushed his kid just to do it. 

The kid wanted to go into environmental engineering or some shit, so the job wasn't really helping him, he was just thankful it was Friday. Even though he was working late. 

While the guys talked he lit a cigarette. He didn't smoke so much, and if he breathed it in too deeply he'd cough. But he liked the smell, and he liked how it made him look. 

It was cool. He wanted to say something like he should go turn over the room of the couple anyway so they could rent it tomorrow, but instead he just stayed quiet he figured that was the best way. 

He inhaled and exhaled while the other guys talked about the plan. 

He inhaled this time too deeply, and the cough he tried to hold in just burst out. 

"Bro doesn't even know how to smoke. What are you teaching him?"

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