When the shooting broke out, he knew the fifteen dollars an hour wasn't worth it.
He should've known better as soon as Blayne threw him the keys to his truck. Definitely when Blayne warned him not to go into Danny's house unless he was invited in. And why didn't he just refuse to go with them when he saw them packing guns.
The loud pops made it hard to hear anything else. He heard Danny and Blayne screaming at each other but the kid couldn't make out what they were saying. Just words here and there.
"Get the --- - --- -- now!"
"Yeah -- -- -- fuck -- -- down --- - - - ---"
The kid's hand gripped a gun too. He really should've refused to participate when Danny handed him a
. No amount of money to make up for risking his life. Or taking someone else's. But Danny looked so smooth with the cigarette in his mouth, lock of blonde hair hanging down by his face.
"Here you go, pal." he had said. Not even a question of whether the kid had ever fired a gun.