"Eres the ting bruhv you get in then you get out. No nothing else, no wagwan fam no nothing." He said to Dave. Baring his teeth.
Dave hated him, but with out
Big Joe
and any other semblance of a leader he latched onto him. He looked at Keith.
Keith always looked confused when BAKA not nice spoke. Sometimes it was unclear if he understood the message at all. After they walked away a few times Dave would tell him.
"Yeah he doesn't like when we don't tell him where we're going."
"Oh thats what he said." Keith would say. It was like Keith was having an experiment whether he could understand this guy. This BAKA not nice.
Keith didn't mind their work, or routines. Mostly it was just watching, making sure nothing was going wrong. He often would be the look out. Out of all of them he just looked like a normal dude. Dave a little, but there was something about his eyes everyone agreed, they made him seem a bit shifty.
BAKA also liked Keith.
"This kid don't speak innit never say nothing."
Dave thought that was the most positive thing he'd heard him say.