Story Going

as reply to he owes me

The lady despite her vision slowly fading, and her hearing getting worse, was the only one who knew everything. She saw everything. 

The girl, the gun, the men and the murder. 

Although she didn't see the murder she knew their must have been one. Possibly two she wrote. 

The detective wouldn't figure it out until its too late. He was in society a quick fix, like a bandaid over a larger problem, but she instead was a forrest watcher. Saw how everything was connected and moved accordingly. Although she didn't tell anyone. It was written down, plain as day, in block letters scrawling across the page. 

The girl she was confused about, but also understood the most, she related to her, not because of her sex, but because she also knew something was going to happen. There can't be that much pressure in a pot and no explosion she wrote. 

The girl was like her prepared. The man that followed her around though was an idiot, a curious idiot, but an idiot all the same. He had no business being there, like a fly caught in a spiders web, he was just a supporting actor, who would be killed just to keep the story going. 
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