he owes me

as reply to Thought

The detective came in. The bell dinged.

"Hello. are you the manager here?"

"No," the lady said. She remained seated." The Manager is out for the evening. But I've been working here plenty long enough."

"Had a quesiton. Regarding the situation tonight. It seems that the security cameras were malfunctioning a little before and after the robbery?"

"Yeah. The cameras do that sometimes." she snickered.

"Mmm so you wouldn't say it's suspicious. The timing of them going ofline I mean."

"I can see why you're thinking that. But no. Not here at the Seaside. Those cameras are more temperamental than the sea itself. It was offline earlier this morning and even a few times yesterday. I can walk you through the reels if you want to see just how often they go off."

"I may come in for that walkthrough later. But I'll take your word for it for the time being. Thank you.".

After the detective left and the bell dinged again she went back to her notebook. She could think onto paper. Didn't have to worry about anyone hearing.

Did the cameras really go out that often? No. That was a complete lie. I don't even know why I said such a thing. If the detective were to accept my offer then it would be plain as day that I had lied. Why did I lie? I guess I didn't have a plan that was all

Why lie to protect those sons of bitches anyways? I can't really tell. It was more instinct than anytning. Those boys are in trouble. That much I could tell by the way that detective strolled in. I guess I'm not willing to throw them under the bus. Not until I know what's going on. Right now everything is very opaque.

Blayne said he was out for the evening. But this is no regular break from work. No. He's doing something. With that Danny. That devil. Whatever they're doing right now, it's related to what happened up in that room.

The kid in that room. The guest. He's still staying with us. Surprising. Figured he would want to go somewhere else. when I asked him if he was sure he still wanted to stay he gave a deflated answer. Yes. Didn't even ask for a different room. I offered it, but he shook his head.

I feel bad for the kid. He doesn't seem like someone who looks forward to things. Someone who's just kind of getting by.

Blayne owes me big time. He knows I don't like working evenings. He knows the only hours I like working. He owes me big.
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