The door

as reply to thinking about quitting the seaside rest

"Im turning in my notice." The kid said. Blayne was sitting behind his desk and he was in earshot of the woman.

"What uh..." Blayne sat looking at him, waiting for his face to crack into a smile. "Oh. Hahaha, yeah if you're out then im out."

"Im serious, I wrote it down here."

Blayne looked down at the letter, he couldn't feel the woman, Jade move behind him so he thought her headphones were in, still cautious.

"But man, you can't do that, the contracts just for the summer, like two weeks. If you go now, we can't really write anything for you. Like quitting is not a good look for a letter of rec."

Blaynes face was beat red at this point. He was trying to hold himself together keep himself from shouting. 

"But thats what I want." the kid said. His voice a little shaky. 

"Lets talk about this, maybe go for a walk, you can't just quit man." He said. Changing his tone to more caring, when he heard her shift in her chair. 

"Thats what I want im done." The kid said, and quickly stormed out. 

Blayne was too shocked to speak, and found himself scrambling to open the door. 
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