his voice said shit

as reply to The door

He knew he should call Danny right away.

Danny was right. They should've taken care of The Kid long ago.

Now it was too late to do clean. He looked over at Jade without turning his head. She was listening to her podcasts as usual. Always with those airpods in her ear.

Blayne felt the sweat build on his palms. On the top of his hands. His shirt was clinging to his back and ribs. Call Danny. He told himself. He heard his voice in his head. Call Danny. Blayne hadn't heard his own voice in his head so vividly like that since high school.

Why hadn't he called Danny yet? It was like he was counting time. He was... he was waiting for The Kid to get far away enough. To give him a shot at getting out of this.

He kept counting. 1 2 3 4. one two three four. 1 2 3 4. Tapped his phone. Tapped his desk. Just kept bouncing his leg up and down. Come one kid, get far. Drive fast. His voice said aloud in his mind. Go kid. Go!

After about five minutes he picked up his phone. Rang Danny.

"I was just about to pull in actually. What's good, Blayno?"

Shit he thought. Shit. He was pulling into the parking lot. Shit!
Replies to his voice said shit
