Jade said Seaside Rest Imogen Howe

as reply to old friends thought it was fun

The front doors of the
Seaside Rest
were heavy. Sometimes the wind blew hard as well. Any way one of the front desk workers. A woman with walking sticks couldn't open them herself, and to
Imogen Howe
it always felt like she was there needing to get out when she herself was just coming in. 

"Hold the door will ya." The lady said. Half joking with Imogen. 

"I got it, I got it." She replied. 

She didn't mind holding the door. It was  a nice thing to do. 

"You have a light for me too?"

"Oh, uh, yes of course I didn't know you smoked."

"Only at night, and when they have me working this god damn shift, I need something to stay up." She said.

Imogen lit her cigarette with care, and then lit one herself.

"Another?" The lady said.

"What do you want?" She said.

There was a pause. 

"I always feel like I have to complete things. You know? Like if I go on a walk it can't just be out and back, it has to be some sort of circle."

"Hmm, I think I get that."

"Well now we started another cycle. Like usually I finish the cigarette then I put it out, then I go through the door, but now I went out again."

"The cycle."

"So I got to start again."

"Or just want to share a cigarette with someone." Imogen said, and winked at Jade.

"Ha I don't buy either story for a second." Jade said.

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