Must Happen

as reply to peep hole

It wasn't immediately apparent what she saw. Only that it answered some questions for her. Like how she would die, and when that would happen. 

What was left were questions. From the vision or portal or whatever, she could see that she wasn't much older than she was now. There wasn't like gray hair or anything. But it wasn't tomorrow either. 

The strangest thing was that it was in the hallway. So a part of her thought that she could just run. If she left this place she'd never see that hallway again, so it wouldn't matter. 

She thought though too that maybe it was a sort of final fantasy or something. 

That didn't matter. She reckoned once she calmed down it was about 40-200 hundred weeks left. The older could have been a hangover or something. She always looked older after some beers or something. 

"Who were you with?" Was all that Johnny asked. 

"I'd rather not say." Was all that she said. 

Which put Johnny in a tricky spot, he was thinking if they knew who did it, they could just get rid of him. Or something, but McKayla didn't like that. She thought it must happen whatever must happen.
Replies to Must Happen
She thought though too that maybe it was a sort of final fantasy or something. 

you mean final destination? lol
2025-02-04 15:38:05