"I'm telling you," Johnny said with a grin as he leaned forward to drink the
, and then leaned back while looking off over to the side. The grin was still pasted onto his face. "Sometimes strange things happen like that."
Johnny had just told the story about how he and McKayla started living together. It began with her seeing herself die in the
peep hole
. And afterwards she said she could never leave his apartment. So she had moved in.
Johnny had to do all the moving for her. She didn't need most of her things. So that was easy. But the rest of life was a bit more work. Though Johnny didn't mind the work. He had to be the one who went to get groceries and everything else that needed outside venturing. McKayla didn't feel safe leaving that apartment. So while Johnny lived more or less a regular life, she led a peculiar one.
She no longer worked. He paid the bills. They shared a bed and had sex but it was never stated that they were together or not.
Johnny's friend couldn't believe this all.
"No way man. This is crazy. So that's why I've never seen her before?"
"I mean. I guess if I had come over to your place, then i would've met her."
"She doesn't like anyone else coming by."
"Right. That tracks. You're crazy, man."
"Maybe, Max. Maybe." Johnny took another sip from the cap. Wiped the foam off the top of his lip. "I got to get back. It was nice seeing you."
"Hey. Let's do this again soon. I want to know more about this story."
Johnny had a wide grin. Max thought it was the grin of a man a little too proud of themselves. And why shouldn't Johnny be proud of himself, Max decided. Growing up he had never expected his tall, lanky, nerd of a friend to ever get a girlfriend. At least not one who wasn't overweight and unattractive. Yes, it was strange to Max to imagine his friend with a conventionally attractive girl. Although she did sound a little cooky.
Actually Max thought she was crazy. Bizarre. He even thought maybe she didn't exist and Johnny was making her up. But that smirk on his face. That couldn't be fake.
Max returned his cup to the dirty dishes bin and waved at the barista who told him "see you next time, Max!" Max waved back and said "Adios Amigos!" loud enough that people turned to look.
He had about ten minutes to get to the diner. He was so used to the job now that he could arrive in the knick of time and still be prepared. On the drive over he didn't blast music like usual. All he could think of was his friend Johnny. And his mysterious girlfriend... or whatever she was... that he kept upstairs just like Repunzel.