Will be Okay

as reply to figure out next steps

The man was tall serious. With dark brown hair. He had a thick almost broom like moustache and spoke slow and serious. Deliberating every word. 

“You called earlier about the car.”

The man said. He spoke as a statement, something Max thought should ought to be a question. 

“Yes, uh yeah I did.”

“It’s safe, I wouldn’t worry, but will be a few days still. They’re just testing it.”

This caught Max off guard, how could the police not even do anything.

“You uh what do you mean testing it.”

“It’s not something I’m at liberty to say, but you’ll like it, uh most people do. Everything will be okay. That’s all I can say. Just stay with your friend. A few more days.”

Max didn’t notice that man had had a coffee in his hands, it meant he was in there before him. Maybe he was waiting there. 

"Just gotta tell you, no more calls. The car will be back, don't worry about that. Everything will be okay."

He kept saying that Max thought. 

"But what if I need it now?" 

The man turned his head towards max. He drank the last bit of his coffee.

"You don't so don't worry, everything will be okay."
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