don't worry.

as reply to Will be Okay

Everything will be okay. Don't worry. These are the ideas the cop kept telling Max at the cafe.

Strangely, each time the cop repeated these mantras Max became more worried. became in more want of his car. Where the hell was it? The cop semed to know where it was and was simply not doing anything to help find it.

What was this test of experiment he had mentioned. Max wanted to ask but was too scared. Thought that maybe asking might make it less likely he'd get his car back. Or that he'd get teh car back later and in worse condition.

"Don't worry. Just stay at your friend's" he kept saying.

Max thought this was incredibly rude. How could the police assume that Johnny would let him stay at his place? Also how did they know that he was visiting a friend? Max had never said anything about this.

The other cop who didn't have a coffee in his hands, the partner to the guy who kept repeating 'don't worry' had said one thing the whole time. When the main guy had said something to the tune of "we know about your friend, because we have people watching you. Don't worry. Not on earth. But above"

The coffee-less man had coughed and said "shut up!"

The man holding the coffee had snapped into attention, "You didn't hear that, Max."

That was probably the most honest thing that the cop had said. A stern "you didn't hear that. we'll kill you if you tell anyone," was how Max interpreted it. The two disappeared quick and Max was left there not needing any more caffeeine. He needed to get back to Johnny's.

Without the car he would make the same walk he had taken the evening before. This time it felt less exciting. He noticed more poverty and trash. And people looked more unhappy and less beautiful. He himself felt more like shit. He no longer had a car. How would he get home? How long would he be stuck here? would Johnny even let him crash on the couch for a night or two while the police found his car?
Replies to don't worry.
