I don't know

as reply to the suspense

Johnny had tip toed up to the peephole, and looked out.
He motioned with his hand for Max not to move. Johnny's ability to move so silently scared Max a little. Like Johnny knew every place not to step. After some time, Johnny turned to him.

"I Knew it." Johnny said.

"That creepy old woman wasn't gone this weekend. 


"The police said no one answered in that apartment. So they said she must be gone. That was her."

"What ah how did you know?"

"Saw her, more heard her, for some reason when her door opens or something, the glass over the kitchen rattles a bit. I don't know why, but we hear her. Well I hear her."

"Whats her deal."

"Ah just a lady, annoying gets in your business, but also part of me doesn't trust her. Theres something off about her. Like the week McKayla got here, this is going to sound strange, the lad drank some of her whiskey."


"Yeah, I mean McKayla left it in the hallway, she was trying to find me, but still."

"Did you see her do it? Or like I don't know, thats crazy."

"No, but I don't know, somethings you just know. Or you feel it atleast. Everyone else they're normal, like I see em around and stuff. I don't know."