I express myself therefore I exist.

Why do I always have to write about something? Why can't I just let my hands do the writing while I stare amazed at what's being written? I tried a couple of times to decouple my hands from my brain, It kinda worked. For example that one time when I had to answer some emails, but I was too drunk to see the computer screen, (I happen to have too many beers during the lunch break). Quite a disaster that day was but, my hands did the job, the emails got sent. There were no tragic consequences.

So, hands... hands... If you were a hand let's say, would you be delegating your writing to your fingers? The palms of your hand just hang around there with the fingers who do all the movement and key pushing. The palms even get a first-hand experience of the writeup, and if they had eyes, one in each palm, they'd be seeing the writing happening too. However, I wouldn't be a hand. or a palm or fingers or whatever. I'm ok just being all eyes; and brain and spine with organs and all that put together into a body, my body, to you... The body of someone out there somewhere. 

Days like today the experience of embodiment puzzles me. The physicality of the body contrasting with the mind which is free and permeating through time and space. What is this world made of? It's made of very small particles, which contain other even smaller particles. Buddha arrived at this conclusion through meditation. His mind penetrated the materiality of the world and revealed its nature to him. He shared his understanding with the world -- the Dharma, a method for achieving liberation. 

I admire Descartes's effort in finding the soul inside the body concluding with "I think therefore I am." As if the mere act of thinking validates the experience of being embodied. I would like to improve on his quote: I express myself therefore I exist. If Descartes would have kept on thinking in his bed without writing a word, then we would not know that he existed. So expression matters.
This is a great thought experiment. 

The beginning made me wonder, do you sometimes not like the scope of consciousness you are provided via the eyes + brain + spinal cord system?
2021-05-24 20:48:25
I am obsessed with octopussees who have a CNS that's very different then ours. Each tentacle has it's own 'mini-brain' and in consequence to a certain extent it's own agency. I sometimes wonder what if... I could be a little bit like that
2021-05-24 20:59:18