Scoped Artistic Feeling

Since returning home, i've been feeling extra inspired, extra artistic. Each breath I take and step I walk is more deliberate and feelings more meaningful. However, even though I feel super inspired within the more menial parts of life, I feel less inspiration when I face the page.

Weird right? But I thought it be good to document how I feel right now. However I am grateful that I no longer need to feel inspired to write. I can just do it, even if it's to write about not feeling inspired, which some might consider cheating, but it's my advice for anybody who's trying to write but can't. Just write about what you're thinking about and if that so happens to be that you don't have anything to write then write that.

In fact, now that I've written those two paragraphs down I already feel more inspired. I feel inspired by the previous gratitude I just mentioned. Grateful that I can write no matter what, about no matter what. It's less palpable then celebrating something like $10 K a month recurring revenue, but it's a big thing for me. If you're reading this and writing is important to you but you struggle to do it regularly then I hope one day you'll also join me and some others on here who can write about essentially anything. 
Are you in the "I can write 200 words about ANY topic" club now?
2021-06-26 14:17:33
I've been 'able' to do this for a long time now. I think I wasn't willing to let myself do it until recently though.
2021-06-26 15:42:49

Abe's Blog