
Reading seems to be an all-or-nothing affair for me. There are so many books I intend to read. 391, in fact, just in the Notion database I use to track these things.

(I've written about this already and it's really boring.)

I just tore through my friend David Hopkin's "A Hidden Burrow Near Barcombe", the second in his series of short, fast-paced fantasy books. I need more like this.

Typically, I'm overwhelmed with nonfiction that I struggle to get through.

There's already a lot of technical and technology-related reading I have to do for work. (We are a publisher, after all.)

Then there's just all that knowledge out there, so many books so enthusiastically recommended, sometimes commanded to read.

Since finishing David's book this morning, I'm now currently reading only nonfiction:

  • "Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life" ...I just started this one tonight while browsing my Kindle. We'll see how far I make it into it.
  • "Meditations" ...this one is easy to just pick up and read a few paragraphs from.
  • "Recovery" ... Russell Brand's funny, easy-to-read take on the 12 steps. Almost halfway through.
  • "Engineering Management for the Rest of Us" ...a book we're publishing this year.
  • "A Swim in the Pond in the Rain"
  • and as of yesterday, I'm listening to "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" ...long story, but listening to audiobooks was recommended to me, and this one was on sale and I've never read it

I have 8 books on my "started" list, where I've started reading them but then put them down, but do intend to read them. (I have a suspicion that "Designing Your Life" will end up here.) Three of those are fiction, none of them particularly easy reads:

I have a "To Read Owned" list. There are 52 books on that list. Most nonfiction. Of the fiction titles there are:

  • "Clockwork Boys"
  • "Piranesi"
  • "Magic for Beginners"
  • "Ender's Game" (Yes, I haven't read this.)
  • "No One Belongs Here More than You" by Miranda July
  • "Pirate Cinema" by Cory Doctorow
  • "Walkaway" by Cory Doctorow
  • "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland"
  • "Great Expectations"

There are probably a couple on there that are good candidates for actually capturing my attention...

What are you currently reading?
I also need to get on the 
War of Art
. You recommended it once and also someone I met this weekend was raving about it.
2021-07-07 13:56:34
Probably just 1, maybe 1.5 hours / day.

War of Art is still in my backlog. It's been recommended multiple times per year for about 15 years. :P
2021-07-07 15:02:27
I just saw 
Steven Pressfield
on a recent podcast so I assumed that 
War of Art
was a recent book. Lol didn't know it was published in the early 2000s.

Once I start reading it I might start spamming you about it and maybe that will be the gateway in.

Anyways, lol 1.5 hours a day. i thought when you said it's an all or nothing it was like 8 hours a day or zero.
2021-07-07 23:26:33
I am in the same boat with you Daniel. So many books, so little time. It is interesting that when and if I start reading fiction, I end up finishing it. It is like I am started for fiction or too engaged to stop in the middle. 

But yes, I am currently reading the following:

Scott Adams - How to fail at everything and still win big. (For some reason, I keep rereading this book)

Annie Duke - Thinking in bets

David Epstein - Range 

And thanks to you, I just added Recovery by Russel. It has humor and it sound like a book I would enjoy. 
2021-07-08 23:43:58