Untitled Shared at Jul 08, 2021 CEO

In the nine months leading up to COVID smashing the U.S, I was part of a mental-health startup. We were trying to create tools to lower the barrier into support group organization. We imagined a world where it was as easy to organize and operate a support group as it was to organize a meet-up.

We imagined groups for all kinds of reasons. People trying to quit drinking, or people who've quit drinking and want to stay that way. Mothers with children who work full-time. People with skin conditions. People who'd just lost someone to death. Pretty much anything.

The team had about 4-8 members depending on when you peaked your head into the office. But for the most part the core team was around 4-5 members. The 
role, which meant the glue tying us together, was filled by a strategist at a large medical devices company in his mid-forties. Another of the core members was none other than 
 who was brought in to handle all things data. And then there was me, to handle all things software... that is until we would grow large enough that we could afford other developers.
lol. the venture itself does indeed not end well, but that's not why this is titled Ember. Rather the startup itself was called that.
2021-07-08 18:33:13
While on a jog just now that got me wondering. What are all the startups you've been involved in -- it can be short, fast failed ventures too -- and what were there names lol. I bet you there were some hilarious ones.
2021-07-08 18:33:48
So what happened Sir Abe? I am a fan of the idea. 

The most helpful ideas I have had for years came from FB groups, forums and people I met that shared the same condition/issues I was going through. I have always said that there are a lot of gems in forums and communities where people honestly talk about problems and solutions they would pay for. Facilitating those types of communities is a great idea.... especially since COVID. 
2021-07-08 19:35:06

Summer of Ember