
Want to be a photographer? Photograph more. 

Want to be a writer? Write more. 

Want to be a runner? Run more. 

There is rarely a precise moment where we become anything. 

The key to becoming something it to start doing it — whether it’s photographing to become a photographer, writing to become a writer, running to become a runner, or something else. 

At first, you won’t quite know what you’re doing, your efforts may feel awkward, and you will feel like an imposter — a totally normal feeling whenever you try something for the first time. 

But as you persist, you will acquire helpful knowledge, you will develop proficiency, you will produce better work.
And at some point along that process, you will become. 
Or you will discover that what you thought you wanted is not actually what you want. But the only way to find out is to try.
2021-07-09 00:12:47
Oh Brandon you didn’t have to point out the scary part 😂
2021-07-09 20:32:09
What Brandon pointed out isn't scary at all. If you actually figure out you don't want something then yo ucan actually get closer to the things you do want.

People just don't go through this transformation enough that it feels scary. 
2021-07-10 15:22:44
agreed with 
 too. Finding out something isn't for you is just as valuable as finding out something is for you. 
2021-07-12 21:33:04