Business idea

In 2019, I had a phase where everywhere I looked, I thought of business opportunities. A restaurant, a movie, a conversation - all made me think of a business. I think that is not a bad thing. It's almost like a thinking engine was set off around solving problems and identifying opportunities. 

While I was religiously going to WeWork, I saw how the people that went there were mostly all hustlers.... working on their business. Often coming is early and leaving late. Most used to bring their own lunch and liked to drink multiple cups of coffee. When I saw the age and demographics of most of the people there, I thought about my own phase of chasing a business idea. Most of us writing here seem to be in a similar phase. Most of us seem to want to do something different and pursue our goals. 

When talking about WeWork with someone, he suggested how combining WeWork and AirBnB would be a great idea. Basically, people get to work on certain floors and then have a a floor or two to stay the night just like they were using AirBnB. I thought the idea was brilliant. I know I have stayed until midnight many times and didn't want to stop working or travel at that hour. I know that for a few years of a new business idea, people would prefer to not waste time with commute and stay up preparing for an event. I think combing working and living space would be ideal for those hustlers. But I thought that adding a cafeteria that serves healthy food would also make a lot of sense as well. In fact, adding a gym, a day care center, a cafeteria and a massage center would all make sense. 

This is the kind of idea that needs millions upfront. I neither have the money or the appetite for that type of risk. But I would sign up to a place like that. Get my health, work and sleep taken care of - for one monthly subscription of $199. 
I really laughed out loud at how meta this post is. Keni talking about a phase in her life where she saw business opportunities wherever she went. She then goes on to uncover another business opportunity in the same post. 🤣🤣🤣.

I believe you're right. Here in Lagos, that's what the Co-Working hubs are known for.

And I think at a point, YC actually used to be like this. Hack on a startup, sleep around, get mentored by Paul G - repeat.
2021-07-20 05:03:58
I think every big idea gets realized by many steps of small, incremental executions.

I think you should do an MVP of this idea. That could be simply you inviting a lot of people you want to hustle together with and rent out an 
together for a week and try this thing out in small way.

I would want to be a part of that.
2021-07-20 14:20:16
Yeah it was deliberate 
  - I was trying to give the backstory to getting a business idea. And it makes sense to do it that way especially in an incubator. 
2021-07-20 20:50:40
Sir Abe - You are always encouraging me to push ahead. I really put this idea as outrageous especially for the initial capital needed. But in my head, I know it makes sense. 

Doing an MVP though may not be easy. Especially since the variety of services coming together is what would make this work. Let me think about it some more. 

But I love the idea of hustling together on any idea. 
2021-07-20 20:53:37
Well Keni... an 
means minimum. As in cut out all features until it's doable. That might mean the food is prepared by us instead of having someone else do it. It might also mean that it's only a few people. 

Were you thinking everyone would be hustling on the same idea together? Or would they simply be sharing the same space but hustling on whatever projects they already had ongoing?
2021-07-20 21:39:03
Yes Sir Abe - For a grand idea like this, even a minimum viable product is not going to be easy. Since what I was thinking was both AirBnB and WeWork combined - that would mean having a combination of a workspace and living space. Doing some research, just the two services are expensive. 

I do think think if we all continue to write together, we would likely be involved in each other's business ideas in some capacity yes. 
2021-07-21 21:38:54
