Time to become an IDEA MACHINE

I have read that creativity and problem solving are muscles. I remember reading about an author called James Altucher. He made a habit of writing 10 ways to improve a company on a daily basis. Then he would email his recommendations to the company. These companies were big ones like LinkedIn and Google. He talks about that habit in his interviews and encourages others to do the same. 
I find that I am not always creative but the more I do it, the more I do it, the easier it gets. 
So hHere are 10 ideas to make Adagia better. These are all big ideas like a GoogleX project. Maybe a few can be practical and interesting. 

1. Allowing people to vote for the best writing - for the week/month. And then having that writing as a featured piece on the front. That way everyone can chime in when they love a piece and the author gets a ton of views and feedback. 

2. Allowing readers to vote on any post they want to be read aloud by the author. I think there is something to hearing a post read by the author. Audio is getting big so getting a chance to hear the voice of the author maybe interesting. 

3. Allowing readers to critic a post by doing a rewrite of a post. I would love to see how someone would rewrite my own post and make it better. It could teach me where I could improve. I would especially love it if someone could rewrite my work and make it funny. That adventure is worth paying for. 

4. Having debate post on a topic. Say the topic is speaking is more powerful than writing. Then we would have people take a side and write their view. So we could have a chain of posts around the debates of an idea. And also maybe have posts from people who changed their opinion about something based on the debates. 

5. Enabling images/comics to be a part of our writing. I am beginning to see a shift in the usage of visual aids to everything. Being able to say more using visuals and less words would be a nice skill to practice. 

6. Having a tally of comments written by someone as part of their profile - so it would be an accomplishment - just like streaks. That could encourage reading and commenting of other's work. 

7. Having a tally of comments received by an author as part of their profile - so it would be an accomplishment - just like streaks. That could encourage writing better posts and more engagement. 

8. Being able to bookmark a post written by others so we could come back to it. 

9. Having a visual representation of where the authors are around the globe... somewhere on the opening page so we can see that grow and change as we continue to write. 

10. An announcement box somewhere on the first page. Since most of us here are working on something - a book or a business idea. That announcement could be used to share what we are working on with like minded people. 

That's all. 
Thanks for making this list, Keni! 

I'll answer all ten of them either by turning the idea into reality or asking more questions about the idea so that I can figure out whether it can be something that does get turned to reality with some modifications.

Fun Fact. I've already begun making the 
Adagia Bookmarks
 feature this week. It is nearly ready, I'm just testing it out first.
2021-07-17 16:09:16
Thank you Sir Abe. You have done massive amount of work already and this site is awesome. 

I wanted to create this list of 10 without considering if it was a crazy idea. I think you would have a better idea of feasibility once you see what the backend work looks like. But #3 is my favorite if I could choice. 

And thank you for the bookmark. I noticed that already. 
2021-07-19 23:01:41
