Try first

I didn’t think I’d like writing until I tried publishing some blog posts. 

I didn’t think I’d like editing videos until I tried making videos.

I didn’t think I’d like Data Science until I took my first semester of courses. 

Now I write every day, make YouTube videos, and interact with data scientists every day in my job. 

Don’t dismiss anything until you’ve given it a try. 

If you don’t like it, now you know for sure and can safely move on.  

If you end up loving it, you’ll be glad you gave it a shot. 

Either way, you win. 

That's quite a streak you have. Keep going. #Teamstreak
2021-07-22 21:01:49
Have you had instances where you feel like you are inaccurately diagnosing whether you like something or not?

Like for me, I kept telling myself I liked writing, but I couldn't actually do it. I'd go weeks without doing it. But then when I'd sit down and do it, I'd like it! Of course I wouldn't like it long and I would soon not be doing it again...

But perhaps my example is not a matter of liking, but more closer to someone who actually doesn't do and then doesn't get a chance to like. 
2021-07-23 00:32:43