
It is just past 6 pm and I’m sitting again at the same customers office I’m sitting every month. Doing Windows Updates. Although this time isn’t different to other times (well, it’s Saturday instead of Sunday), but I have to tell you a litte bit about my week.

As I’ve written, I came home from a short vacation in Croatia last Wednesday. After storing the leftover food and sorting the dirty laundry I fell asleep.

Thursday wasn’t largely different and so was yesterday, Friday. I woke up somewhere around noon if I remember correctly. Ate something so I could take the antibiotics I still have to take for my “hair” problem. 

Fell a sleep a little bit later again. Watched Episode 4 to 10 of Snowpiercer on Netflix and started Blacklist Season 8. Both were long waiting for me. Well, I don’t think I need to say it was way too late until I got to sleep again.

Today was nothing different. Woke up at noon, at something, watched a few Episodes of Family Guy and went to sleep again.

Well, at least today isn’t completely the same. I jumped out of my pyjamas and took a shower. Most importantly I set out to update the Windows PCs.

I hope I can break this dumb sleep cycle today as I will be back to work next week and I plan to start working at 6 again. We’ll see how that works out.
Sleeping in until noon--wow. I haven't done that since college days.
2021-08-07 16:47:28
Something tells me Phillipp wasn't up until 5 or 6 AM, but if he was, then waking up at noon would make sense.
2021-08-08 00:42:10
 wasn't far off. I think I went to bed around 3. The thing is, if you're sleeping the whole day it's hard to sleep at night :)
2021-08-08 15:17:50
The paramedic schedule is bad for health! Including bad for glucose levels and insulin sensitivity !!
2021-08-08 15:40:11
Well, if I only did paramedic schedules. I think the last one was a month ago or so :)
2021-08-08 16:30:22
Yeah I go through that whenever my projects are Americas based, then I need to do a hard reset where I force myself to wake up earlier than usual several days in a row. Eventually works out. 
2021-08-08 20:01:44
Can confirm. :)
Although I didn’t get up exactly at the time I wanted, I’m at least at work at seven. Tomorrow will be another try to get up earlier.
2021-08-09 16:16:53