On her smoke break she wondered where all the black from the
went. Sometimes when she drank a lot of coffee, especially strong coffee, her urine smelled of it. It delighted her actually. But she never saw any black coming out. And she didn't have black skin or hair. She wondered where all of it went. Was it all through her shit?
Maybe she was staining her insides black. Cut her open and you would see a blackening, almost violet colored liver. A dark heart. No. This wasn't how people looked inside.
That was the type of thinking they did in the middle ages. Back when they would stick leeches on you to suck out your bad blood if you ever got sick. Leeching was how the first American president died. Just sucked him dry and had no way of infusing him with anothers.
These days systems were in place. Blood banks with temperature control to store blood and different
components. Complex software to index and manage all this and allow hospitals to purchase blood without depleting the entire supply. Mobile donation stations that went around poking and draining crimson from young people in exchange for a sticker and bragging rights.
An alien looking down on us as if in a petri dish would be astounded that organic creatures were managing their internal fluids like this. Exchanging them like this. But then again from that high of a view maybe they couldn't tell the difference between the blood inside and the air outside.
Interesting effect, I notice how all of a sudden a character with such a crude reasoning catched my attention. I'm almost fond of her and eager to discover more of the parameters that determine her worldview. Will she eventually have a paradigm shift and realize that the blackness in coffee is given by a certain protein that is being broken down in her liver? Maybe.
We come from a long history of flawed reasoning, the flat-earth theory, the geocentric model, phlogiston, indulgences, which-burning, sanctified water for treating diseases, lobotomy...
Take any 15-18th century medicine book and read trough.You will be amazed about the progress we made.
Now, what would an alien think of us? What do you think ?
Thanks for sharing why you found this character interesting. I'll experiment with characters who have crude reasoning.
you're right on the points about how much we progress over time. I also try not to consume too much news/findings that are coming out just now. i like to give a little bit of a buffer zone. like instead of watching today's news go back last year or five years ago and watch what the news and findings were reporting.
It's eerily a better way in my opinion to know what's happening now than to listen to what's happening now.
Of course this doesn't apply in situations where you are in an emergency like a tornado or a natural disaster that you need information on. More on the cultural undercurrents that move society
We come from a long history of flawed reasoning, the flat-earth theory, the geocentric model, phlogiston, indulgences, which-burning, sanctified water for treating diseases, lobotomy...
Take any 15-18th century medicine book and read trough.You will be amazed about the progress we made.
Now, what would an alien think of us? What do you think ?
you're right on the points about how much we progress over time. I also try not to consume too much news/findings that are coming out just now. i like to give a little bit of a buffer zone. like instead of watching today's news go back last year or five years ago and watch what the news and findings were reporting.
It's eerily a better way in my opinion to know what's happening now than to listen to what's happening now.
Of course this doesn't apply in situations where you are in an emergency like a tornado or a natural disaster that you need information on. More on the cultural undercurrents that move society