
I wrote a letter to my future self. Then, I burned it.  The ash flew in the air carried by the wind. I could still see my words on the burned paper, frail and ephemeral. A gust of wind was everything it took to make them all vanish forever. I lit up a cigarette and continued to look at the ashes spreading in the air.

When I look into the mirror of my soul, I find crumbles of dead skin. They date since that one time when I lay on the beach and scratched the sand with my strange ideas, trying to leave desperate messages for future generations. If only they would understand. Then all of a sudden, I saw my whale friend Willie docking on the purple sand next to me.

Hey Willie, oh my good old friend, how are you?

I have been surfing the waves all day, the beautiful waves today, have you seen them?

Oh my, Willie. I'm sad; today I wrote a letter to my future self and then I burned it, and oh so beautiful a letter was. I have put in it all my hopes and dreams, and now, I have begun to forget it!

Don't worry, I will always be your friend, and nobody can take your beauty from you, the future will come, and you will not remember. Be well.
Why are they forgetting so fast?
2021-09-25 03:15:04
Lol wait what? I don't know what your last comment means.
2021-09-28 00:38:41
oh nevermind now i see what happened. you tagged linus tryign to tag me, and the character is the one whos smoking too much weed lol
2021-09-28 00:39:17